Our company is a team of graduates and technicians with many years of experience in the field of advising companies and individual professionals.
We specialise in advising civil societies, businesses or self-employed people, SME's and large companies. We are known for advising sectors such as hospitality, transportation, restaurants, real estate, retail, etc. with the aim of providing quality and a personalized service that covers all the needs of our customers.
Our team consists of::
- Tax Advice: Economists and lawyers in the field of taxation.
- Accounting advice: Economists engaged in the whole process of accounting and financial reporting.
- Labour Advice: Lawyers and Social Graduates who specialise in labour law and recruitment, as well as public administration.
- Legal advice: Lawyers who specialise in commercial, civil and procedural issues.
- Insurance: Social and technical graduates, our insurance experts give financial advice, conduct surveys of buildings and also work in the vast field of insurance in general.